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Cascara Sagrada dried bark 50g

Rhamnus purshiana

Price: $8.50AUD In Stock: 5 Available
Cascara Sagrada acts as a colon cleanser and may be useful in cases of constipation and parasitic infection. Cascara sagrada is a stimulant laxative. It works by causing muscle contractions in the intestines. These muscle contractions help move stool through the bowels. The bark contains chemicals called anthraquinones that give it its colour and its laxative effect.

Short term use only.
Caution with use in pregnancy and children.
If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner

Common name.
Sacred Bark; Sagrada Bark; Cascara Buckthorn; Cascara; Bearberry; Rhein; Rheum.

Frangula purshiana; Rhamnus purshianus.

Traditional uses and general information on products are provided for educational purposes only. We do not make any therapeutic claims.
Nothing contained in this site is intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professionals advice.
Cascara Sagrada dried bark 50g
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